3 simple ways online ordering can benefit your take away customers

In todays world, we are all embracing technologies in ways that have increased our productivity and opened up new possibilities.

Although the concept of "remote" take away ordering is not new (old-fashioned telephone), mixing it with a bit of technology could create other added benefits.

The short version (TL/DR):

  • Avoid your phone customers from receiving the busy tone during your peak periods
  • Communicate more (and automate) with less
  • Promote your menu easier (and quicker)

The longer(ish) version:

As customers, we tend to be selfish - we can't help it, even when it's unfair. Having the menu and the ability to place an order available to us at our convenience (before getting our yummy meals) is our (arguably unfair) privilege.

We've elaborated our online ordering benefits from a (selfish) customer point or view.

Avoid your phone customers from receiving the busy tone during your peak periods

Selfishly speaking, if there's anything we hate about making phone orders while "everyone else" (including that "one" other person) is a busy signal when "we" want to order.

If we knew we could make an online order, uninterrupted and at our own time, the restaurant does not lose the revenue opportunity and we eventually get our food. Happy store and happy customer.


Communicate more (and automate) with less

It can be annoying not knowing what's on the menu, or what's included in the ingredients - unfortunately we do need to ask, and that can be time consuming.

Sometimes when other customers do it to us, it holds up the line and makes us wait longer and degrades our experience.

If we could just look at the menu - and then order - from our phones (yes, it can be anti-social, but we're hungry), we could make our own informed decisions.

Promote your menu easier (and quicker)

We've seen your food featured and heard all about your restaurant from our friends. So how do we quickly see your menu from your website?

We just need to see your menu, prices, location and ideally - order online.


Do you run a take-away restaurant or food truck and are interested in an online ordering solution?

Enquire now